Our  Father, which art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil – for Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever.
So Mote It Be.
I call all yea forth the Power that is within us all, to connect with the Protective Power that surrounds us. Archangel St. Michael, defend us in battle. Surround us, shield us, and protect us from all types of harm, and from all types of negative energy. Be our protection against the wickedness and from the snares of the devil.
May our Great Father, Our God, Our Creator rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou O’ Prince of the Heavenly Host. By the Divine Protective Power of White Light and Love of our Great Father and of our Great Mother Goddess, cast into Hell, Satan, and all of the evil, and all of the negative spirits who roam throughout the World, seeking the ruin of our soul and that of many souls. We ask this in the names of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit of our Great Mother; So Be It, and So It Is Done, So Mote It Be.
Welcome all of us gathered here , with our Creator’s Divine Love, filled within our hearts, and that which is apart of our soul’s; as we humbly pray, asking for your mercy, your kindness, your compassion, your forgiveness, your peace, and for your ever present unconditional love.
Our Blessed Ascended Master, Lord Jesus, our Blessed Mother Mary, Archangel St. Raphael, we humbly ask for your healing presence; heal all of us who are present in all ways, and send forth healing energy towards all of those who are not. For we are your students of Light, and that of our Great Father and Great Mother’s children, seeking for your teachings, your help, and for your Powerful Healing energy of forgiveness.
Forgive us and heal us all, for not turning towards each other with understanding, with patience, goodness, compassion, truthfulness, and with Love; not just for each other, but even towards our “own selves”, towards all of our Creator’s many sacred gifts upon this Earth, and towards the Earth itself.
We humbly pray and ask for your mercy, and for your forgiveness for our Greed, and for our  Selfishness for what we have destroyed and continue to destroy, without our knowing; as we pray for those who do know and still, know not the outcome of it all.  Forgive us all and Bless us with your Powerful Healing energy. Help us to heal the “Air” that we have taken for granted, and that we have poisoned with our own carelessness and disregard for its’ importance to all things on this planet Earth.

Photo: Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Bless us with your Powerful Healing energy; and help us to heal the “Waters” that we have taken for granted, and that we have poisoned, and wasted with our own carelessness and disregard for its’ importance to all things on this planet Earth.

Forgive us all and Bless us with your Powerful Healing  energy and help us to heal all of the precious “Plant Life” and the “Animals” that we have poisoned, abused, and destroyed with our own carelessness, greed, self-satisfaction, and for our disregard of their importance to all things on this planet Earth.
Forgive us and Bless us, with your Powerful Healing energy, and help us to heal our “own selves” and towards each other from all of the senseless violence, the poisoning, the abuse, the carelessness, the greediness, the selfishness, and for the disregard that we continue to inflict upon each other; ignoring our own importance to this Life Being, and to all things on this planet Earth and to our Creator.
Forgive us all and Bless us with your Powerful Healing energy; for we are all here as students, as servants, and as helpers to each other. Bless us, and use us all as your Divine Instruments, sending forth the Healing Powers through us; to be shown throughout, as the Divine, Loving, and Powerful Beings that we are, all apart of, of all that there is; Universal Oneness. In the names of all that are Holy and Divine; In the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; So Be It, and So It Is Done, So Mote It Be.
Prepared & Created By:
Spiritual Advisor – Serelle